Samstag, 25. Juni 2011

"The new ladette or: Call my bluff?"

More and more women get agressive, behave in a boisterously laddish way like rude remarks or incongruous behaviour in puplic. They drink (what actually should be untypical for women) and are known as

It is a part of the feminist movement when women tried ro fight the image of the weaker sex and started behaving like stereotyped men: drinking, taking drugs, unsavory behavior ...

Also the number of drinking women and young girls increases radically. It usually ends in binge drinking and hospital, rape or even death.

Young girls drink to be more like men,
or they drink to loose their shame and get more jolly.

There are some other girls who show their feminist side by calling themselves baby or chick. They wear sexy clothes, usually short and show lot of skin. It is to show the men, "Hey Mister, see how good looking I am? I am willing to have sex with you!!" basicliy that is the message of these girls. They accepted the weaker sex as being a woman but you can play with that my wearing this kind of clothes and behaving obscene.

Fact is that women shouldn't change themselves just to be liked by men. They should behave like they would always do and then they find the right guy.

Freitag, 24. Juni 2011

Love - Do you belive at love at the first sight?

Love - what is that? It is a feeling you can't describe. It is felt different by everyone. It can be the love to a hobby like music or painting. It can be love to a child or a familymember. Love to a friend or love to a person.
This person makes you happy, makes you laugh and impartial. You feel free and good when you are with this person. All the worries are blown away because you are happy and you feel this special feeling. It starts when you feel the body or this person. When the hand touches you. It is not sexual ment. It is just that you feel all the love flows in you. It's getting warm inside and you know it's love. You feel pins and needles in your stomach and a feeling of happyness and freedom, luck, joy and absence of gravety floods your whole body. That is what loves feels like.

My opinion is that the the basic of love is first of all trust. You have to trust each other unconditionally. Without trust a good relationship cannot work.
Of course jealousey is important, but in a healthy way.

Integrity and respect also plays a nother very important role in a good relationship.
Both partners are equal and should treat each other the way they want to be treaten.

Love is an amazing feeling. It is so hard to describe it but so easy to feel.
Love is when you think you know this person for you whole life.
Love is when you can laugh together.
Love is when you feel comfortable and safe.
Love is a wunderful feeling.
Love is when you feel like the happiest person ever.
Love is important for life.

Do you belive at love at the first sight?

Yes, I do. I think when you meet a person for the first time you feel straight away if he or she is THE ONE. Even if you met thousands of people before when you meet THE ONE you will feel it. It will be a completely different kind of love.

It will be the love what lasts for ever. and ever.

Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

"A gender for change"

It was a hard and longlasting time for women until they got what they wanted:
Same rights, equal pay, same opportunities and chances.

Even these days some women still have to fight for their rights and to be treated the same way as men are.
Still some men do not see women equal to them. Their attidues change quiet slow and that is probably because of the never ending hollywood movies where women are still seen as housewives who cook, clean and educate the children.

But the majority of men got also changed by feminist movement.
They accept women in the government, at their working place and also most important they see women as a equal partner in relationship.
Women used to say at home and the men went to work brought home the money and regulated the income by paying for everything. It seemed like women were just dominated by men. It is for sure still like that, but feminism changed it!
Now also women go working and some men stay at home, looking after the children.
Women are allowed to vote since 1919(Germany) and even our chancellor is a woman.
I alos think more and more women start dominating the men. In relationships for example. There are heaps of women who tell their partner what to do and who are the "leader" of the relationship.

That might also come up because of the feminism. The women took that what the men wanted: Power.
At least I think it is for shure important for us women that we got the same righs, opportunities and are treated equal, but still women usually need a stronh shoulder for protection and who can do it better than a men who loves them:)

Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011

"A bad Victory for Women"

I would like to tell you about a story I read: It was about a women who got £15.6m because she had been sexually discriminated by her colleagues and her boss.Sounds fair and pretty good. But now I will tell you why she bewailed:

Her boss had said about her that she's too old and ugly and can't do the job. That is pretty rough tough! That is actually no sexual discrimination!
The nother poit of getting this huge amount of money was because her male colleagues did NOT invite her to come with them to a strip club!!Huuuuuh???

I would say it is sexual discrimination if my colegues would invite me to the strip club!! To watch them looking at almost naked girls full with silicone and dancing infront of them, while my colleagues start getting horney and the next day I have to work with them again?? What is actually more disgusting?

Well, anyway this women said she was regulary treated snotty infront of her colleagues denied lucrative accounts and discriminated by not being invited to a basketball game or the golf game or to a visit to a strip club. Also she bewailed the position of her desk, which was placed among a lower PA's.
I think this women should rather see a doctor with this money. Of course she might be offended of not being invited to a basketball game or for going playing golf, but it is ballsy to claim for such a huge amount of money for that.

Her boss might also be a bad guy but in the story it said he was treating everyone badly not just her.

Anyway..I have a nother concern:
sexual harassment: Usually women are affected by it. Let it be at the working place where the boss makes her do things (sexual things) for giving her more money or not loosing the job. Sometimes teachers do sexual harassment and the students get better marks or do not have to pepeat class.

Also men who rape girls or women usually start with sexual harassment. They make them do sexual thing without the womens' or girls' will.

But still there are for shure some men who are victims of sexuall harassment, don't forgett that.

The best thing is to talk to someone about it. Even if the person who molests you is threaten you!
The best solution is to tell someone you can trust!

Montag, 20. Juni 2011

Prattle of the Sexes - Do Men and Women speak the same language???

Men never listen and women never get the point. That is the well-known cliché about men and women. When you go in a café and watch men and women having conversations, when you go to school and watch how boys and girls are talking can you actually make a differnece???

The difference is not ment to be in grammar or language, it is the way men and women express themselves. Fact is that women like to gossip. But men also like doing that. We usually say men avoid talking about feelings instead of women who LOVE sharing problems with others. But why is that?? think showing emotions or talkin about feelings could show how vulnerable they actually are. They are humans just as women are so they all have feelings. But men have the fear by showing them or talking about them others (especially other men) would think they're softies and pussies. Men need time to open themselves to others.
Wome in this case are more uncomlicated. They talk about their problems to everyone.
Because of the fact that most of the men avoid conversations about feelings and women find it hard to express themselves and being understood, communication problems come up.
An example is the meta-message:

Imagine a husband and his wife sitting on the couch and watching TV. Suddenly the woman asks her husband: "Why didn't you ask me how my day was?" and the man answers: "Ive something would have happened you would have told me!"
To explain the situation:
The woman is fed up because the man didn't ask her about her day, it is the thing that he did not talk to her, not the meaning of how her day was.
The men doesn't understand and is confused, he would have talked to her when she wanted to, but she didn't tell him. So he just understood the meta-message in a different way. That is the main problem of communication problems.

To avoid these the women should just talk. They should talk to their husbands and not expecting them to start a conversation all the time.

Also it is proofed, that women and men differ in having conversations. The women usually sit close together and are really into each other. They have lot of eye contact and talk about problems and emotions. They agree a lot with the other person to bond the relationship and to get to know each other better and to show the other one that they can trust each other.

Men instead sit comfortable, lean back and rather talk about information than listen and giving advices to solute problems.
That explains why most of the men prefer informative and structured talking and thinking and women like emotional based and more complicated talking.

Even if there are some differences in how men and women talk I think it is not a problem of gender, it is the matter of what kind of persons are talking to each other.
There are men who can talk with women for hours and talk about problems and feelings while there are women how prefer having conversations with men because they understand them.
Fact is that the way we express or we have conversations might differ but I think it depends on the person you are talking to, this person has to understand you and hast to speak the same language as you do - not matter male or female!

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

"The Myth of the Super Dad"

First of all we should try to define what a superdad actually is: Is it a man who takes care about his children all the time, who does everything for them, who loves them and cares about them as much as a loving mum? Society thinks that is how a superdad should be! While pregnancy he sould already start talking to the baby, the superdad is suposed to stay at home and take care about his pregnant wife, because of the baby. After birth he is there for the child twentie-for seven. He is going for a walk with the baby and playing with it and feeding it, changing napies and bringing it to bed. In the night HE is getting up and waiting and singing till the baby is back to sleep. wish!!!

There are some men who pretent doing that: These are called Smug Dads. They go for a walk with the baby and feed it infront of other dads and mums and play with it and talk and report about who bussy the night was after getting up 4 times and bringing the baby back to sleep. But actually they're just showing off. They never do anythink like that at home. At night they rather go out with their mates and drink instead of looking for the baby or at least help the mum to bade it and feed it. Of course you sould be happy and proud of being a dad but don't just show off and pretending being a dad, BE A REAL DAD!! Help the mum of your child not just when other people are around.

There is also a nother man called 'the new man'. He always looks fabulous and also gets up in the middle of the night and looks after the crying baby. Actually this man is perfect. He looks amazing by wearing stuff from Armani, Calvin Kleind or Gucci. He talks about his feelings with his girlfriend and loves to spend time with the kids. But also this man (and we all know that) doesn't exist. It is just a illusion.

So we still didn't clarify the question about what a real superdad is.
Actually superdads just love their children unconditionally. They love them when they come home with good marks, with bad marks. When they finish school with an excellent certification and when they are drunk and the police had to bring them home, the superdad still loves his children. I think superdads should give their children freedom. Of course parents want to take care about them, they want to protect them and sometimes they have to be stric and forbidd them things but is this really necessary? I think children should learn by doing things, trying out new stuff, make own experiences. So the superdad is giving the children love and freedom. These two things are part of the secret of how to be a super dad.

This might also be the solution for dads who have to work so much and never actually have time for their children. When they have to work 60h or 48h a week the usually need firstly time for themselves. They are stressed and annoyed by the children. That is the worst thing you can ever do. Shure when the kids are younger the wanna spend time with their dads. And when the dads work a lot and get stressed

it is going to get a disturbed relationship between dad and child. To avoid that more and more dads get off work and take paided holidays. The can spend time with their children while they are young and they can support the mum. There are also some of this organizations which support dads of retarded kids to spend more time with them.

Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011

Trip to the St. Dominikus Gymnasium in Karlsruhe - "hey, only girls here!"

It is the 19. april, 9am. Our Seminarkurs enters the catholic St. Dominikus Gymnasium in Karlsruhe. It is a nice building. Inside there are some artworks of students. Busy students are running around because the next lesson is just going to start. A normal school just like any other school without the thing that only girls come here.

About 720 girls are visiting this school compared to the Albertus-Magnus Gymnasium where 429 girls out of 921 students come every day.
My concern was to find out, why this girls chose a only-girls school and where they see the advantages instead of visiting a school for both sexes.
We started the mission in the principal´s room (of course she was a women;) ) and she told us something about her school. compared to our school the girls are really advanced. First of all in science because it is well-known that boys usually dominate in science.
After a little talk with the headmaster we were allocated into differnet classes.
My friend Janine and I were visitors in a 5th grade. After we introduced ourselves we took a seat in the back row and followed the lesson. The girls were quiet and listened to the teacher. The topic of the lesson was "poems". The girls started a groupwork
and had to find out (buy talking with each other and using a encyclopedia) what kind of job the author of the several poems could also have.
While the girls were talking in groups they were listening and really into each others suggestions. The whole groupworking was quiet and the girls were all working. While presenting their work the others were listening and if someone had a question they just put up their hands without screaming.

After the lesson was finished we interviewed the girls and asked them why they chose a school just for girls:
-"I already had some fiends here"
-"I don't like boys, they amuse me."
-"In primary school I usually was too shy to talk in class because I was afraid of talking infront of boys"

All in all we noticed that the girls prefered a school without boys because they were afraid talking infront of them or because they were amusing them.

We also asked the girls if the have more male or more female friends and all of them answered they have more female friends, because they go to a school just for girls but they also have male friends.

The break did already start and Janine and Me were watching the girls. They were sitting all around us and wanted to talk. They were interested in us and were really pleased to answer our questions.
None of them were running around and screaming like we are used to in our school.

Then we followed them to their next lesson: Sports.

The girls changed their stuff quiet quickly (probably too much talking in the changing rooms) and then they met in the sports hall.

Then all of them met with the teacher in the middle of the hall..EVERYONE was quiet, no talking, no wispering...nothing!!

They had to do some exercises with a rope and they all gave the best they could.

Later on we had the chance to interview some teachers. We asked them why they chose an only-girls school. Most of them said it is much easier to teach here. The girls are more quiet, they listen and they are pleased to learn something.

Still some of the teacher mentioned that they miss the boys in class. It is fact that different sexes express different, have other ideas and think in a different way.
All the teachers agreed and said it is proofed that the girls learn more and better without the boys, because they're not amused and they can show what they know without hesitating. Also special teaching methods can be used for the girls.

But now: the crucial question: Does it make sense to visit a school just for girls?
Well it is obviously proofed that girls learn better whithout boys because they can also dominate in sciense. Also special learning methods can be applied for the girls and so a selective learning is promoted.
But on the other side we all know that there is no wolrd without boys. The girls are going to have work with them and to cooperate with them, too.
At least it is to say that there are clever girls who go to a school just for girls and there are clever ones who visit a normal school for both sexes.

Dienstag, 5. April 2011

Main Tendencies in womens movement - Development 1970-1979

Feminism is a movement of women. They wanted equality and same rights for women and men. Just think about three famous persons who changed the world or did something really great: JUST MEN!! But what about Marie Curie or Mother Theresa? Hillary Clinton or even Coco Chanel. These persons have something in common: They are all women and they all did something what changed the world. Fortunallity we there was the feminism, a movement of women, because they wanted the same rights men have: right for voting, working and get payed they same way men do. They wanted to say what they were thinking, they wanted to be treated like men!
It feminism movement is divided in 3 groups:

Their main problem was that everything is dominated by men,because they had all the power. They aim was it to "delete" all the men! They wanted a world without men. No men who are dominating them, no men in the government no men to help them to get their rights and equal treatment.
These radical women arranged quiet radical demonstrations like chaining themselves to railings or writing threats into meadows.

The second group of the feminists are:
The socialists
They wanted democracy: Everyone shoub be treated equal, men and women. They wanted to abolish the classes and through that they wanted to avoid men dominating women. But there was no way for an solution as long as the power and the wealth are monopolized by the minority.
If we compare these movements to current parties these women would join the "Linke". They joined anti-imperalistic movements and left-wing parties.

They were not averse to get help from men. As already mentioned these women wanted equality for everyone!

Similar to this socialistic group are:
The Liberals
This group is emerged from social protests and Anti-Vietnam War movements
Their main problem was that people had to many prejudices. Prejudices against women and also men. They wanted to change the sytem, not to overturn it! They called for a equal-system where everyone had the same rights, men and women!
For example they wanted laws so women can open a bank account. They wanted female role-models: a good example is Mother Teresa.

-Synthesis of the strength and weaknesses in all three tendencies
-New: relationship beteen biological sex and social conditions
-Favour of theory: male-female differences are innate
-Sceptical "gender is socially constructed and shift of focus: from "sex" to "gender"
-consideration of both: masculinity and feminity
-gender acquistion: precarious never finish process

So the new GENDER means that men can be sensetive, they are allowed to talk about their feelings without being "gay". Also women can be gender male when they drink beer or like quick cars.
Gender is viewed as a social construction rather than a biological condition.
Gender identity is an individual´s self-conception as being male or female, and is not necessarily identical with actual biological sex. People whose gender identity feels incongruent with their physical bodies may identify themselves as intersex, transgender or genderqueer. Androgyny means displaying both male and female behaviour.
Gender is influenced by our environment as well: Imagine a boy will grow up with gay parentes he would have a complitely different view of relationships than a boy who grows up and is educated in an abbey by friars.

Montag, 28. März 2011

Marriages - Divorce or true love for ever and ever

About one out of three marriages ends in divorce. In America almost one in two. But why? People get married because they love each other. They want to be together for ever. At their Weddingday they are willing the have this special bound of love for ever and still so many people get divorced.

Shouldn´t it be scaring for people who want to get married? I think people shouldn´t!!! If they love each other and they want to show their partner that they love him or her, of course they can get married. Just because so many other marriages broke up it doesn´t mean that EVERY marriage will break up.

The main reaon why people get married is LOVE.

Either just to show everyone how much they love each othe or just to have this special feeling "We are married!"
But there are several other reasons: pregnancy by accident, taxes or money. In some other cultures marriages get arrangend, so the persons have to marrie without loving or even knowing eath other.

As already mention people aso get married because of money or taxes. Things go much easer when you are married.
But what when there are children? A pregnancy by accident: People get married because of the children, they want the best for them:
But also children suffer the most after a divorce. They get bribed by mum and dad with expensive presents or promises. But all they actually want is that their parents love each other. Sometimes the children get so much demaged after a divorce that they have to be treated with medication or psychaitric treatment.

Why do people get divorced??
Well, some can´t just live with one person for the rest of their life. They can´t deal with that feeling to be bounded forever. Other just do not love eacht other anymore or there was a occurence like getting betrayed.

So, we see that that marriages are something realy compicated, but on the other side so easy. It is the way to show true and never ending love. It is the bond between to people, it can be the start for rising a family.

That is a nother important point: After marriage mostly women give up their job to stay at home and rise the children.
That´s why some companies may say they rather want a man for the job than a women because the woman might get pregnant. These days also men can stay at home and look for the children while women work and bring home the money.

So, all in all and beside the fact that so many marriages break up, it is still a romantic and lovely way to show how much you love your partner and marriage can make your partnership stronger. It is a bound for ever and ever made out of love, trust, integrity and care and it is a perfect start for rising a lovely family:)

Sonntag, 27. März 2011

Kate Chopin - The story of an hour

Kate Chopin is an american writer born in 1850. She wrote several short stories and novels. She is known to be a pioneer in the treatment of sexuality in American literature, discussing women´s desire to become a person in her own right.One of these novels is "The story of an hour".

In the story it shows how an hour can change a woman´s life.
After her sister told her about the bad news, Mrs. Mallard goes up into her room and thinks about her husband...She is actually realy happy about his death. That may sound weird, but we have to consider the time! Women were dependend on their husbands.
We don´t know why Mrs. Mallard is so happy. But she allways keeps wispering: " Free soul and free body." That show us, that she was dependend on her husband. He owns her.
So, Mrs. Mallard is sitting in her armchair thinking about her husband. She arrives the decision that she loved her husband sometimes but actually she is happy about his death. She feels free, her soul feels free.
After an hour of thinking Mrs. Mallard goes downstairs. Her husband just opend the door, he is alive. But it is to late: Mrs. Mallard died, she died of joy - joy that kills.
But what a joy was that? Joy because her husband came back, because he is still alive? Or because she was so happy about his death, that she died of joy?
We dont´t know!!

Mittwoch, 16. März 2011


Through the whole life people are bonded to other people. You need friends, family and partners to be happy, to talk to or just to have fun!

The maternal-bond is considered as one of the strongest bonds. It is the bonding between a mother and her child and starts with the birth of the child by laying the baby on the mother´s chest just after she gave birth. This bond will last through the whole life.

This bond is not to be mixes with the mother-bond. Some men got this bond and are excessively attached to their mother and still live with her while these men actually are expected to be indipendend at that age(30+).

In contrast to this maternal-bonding, the father-infant bond is developing with the growth and develop of the child. When daddies bathe, feed, carry ot soothe the baby it shows a greater bond. In some households children grow up without their dad so the father-infant bond doesn´t exist. In general the father-bon or paternal bond is more dominant in a child´s life after language developed.
A bond everyone should have is the human bond. A bond between two people. It refers to the process for formation of a close personal relationship. It can be between parent and child, friends or relatives.
Here also a good interpersonal chemistry plays a vital role.

Close to this interpersonal chemistry is the male/female bond. It defines the bonding between males/females excluding the other sex. Like girlsfriends going shopping and having a coffee together or two mates who drink beer and watch soccer in a bar.

Some of these bonds get even stronger or develop by using social networks. Which may include up to 150 people. With the recent popularity of the internet, websites like facebook, Myspace or Twitter encourage people to increase their friendship network: some people have friends in facebook without even knowing them or being friends.

In a relationship bonding plays a vital role. The affectional bond (emotional bond) refers to the tendency of humans to attach. They need seek closeness to the other person and feel good when he or she is present.
A nother bond, close to the relationship is the erotic bond. According to the Johnn Money´s book `love maps`(1988) every person has a love map wich includes his or hers experiences and predilections for something. It contains positiv and negativ factors, e.g. what they are attracted to: blond hair, blue eyes, sense of humour...

The humans best friend is the dog: human-animal bond. It is defined as a connection between people and animals and known to reduce the physiological characteristic of stress.

Some people treat their pets like their own children, e.g. clothes for dogs, expensive huts made out of gold...
Also this bond is used by retards. The dolphin therapy for example.

So, we can say bonding is important for us. We need others to be happy, to talk to or just to have fun with matter if it is our mum, a good friend or a dog;)

Sonntag, 13. März 2011

Why men don´t listen and women can´t read maps!

There is a stereotyped female and a stereotyped male:

Men never listen, they hate shopping and romantic dinners. Men love beer and women with big boobs. They fart, burp and do not realy care about personal hygiene. They like cars, big machines and meat and rather watch TV and drink beer with their best friend than cuddle with their girlfriend. Men wont be able to through the household, ironing, cooking or washing-no way!And the most important!! Men LOVE sex! They want it everyday at every time and dont care about feelings and emotion.
That´s how men are...

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Do you really think men are all the same?
Sure, most men like beer and spending the night infront of the TV, with their best friend watching football, but there are also men who like wine and just sitting on the couch reading a good book and having a glas of good wine.
The fact that men love women with big boobs is well-known and that´s a shame!
Lots of women worry about their boobs, about their legs or their bumb. "I am too fat, my boobs are to small and my bumb is huge..." Hey girls, don´t worry so much! How should a men love you when you yourself cant love you? It is a all-round cliché that men like women with big boobs more than women with smaler ones. Also men don´t always prefere girls who are skinny, they want something to touch!!

And women, don´t think men are not romantic!! A lot of men have a romantic side. They just don´t show it! A long walk at moonshine, roses and chocolate..Just tell him you need more romantic ( there are also couple of women who hate romantic!)

The wish of a perfect "hosueman", who cooks, does the washing and looks after the children...just a dream? Maybe in the past but in these days it is not unusually that the women is working and the men is staying at home and throughing the household.

And the never-ending story about the men who always wants sex: Well, we are all like animals who want to mate with each other. Men just follow this instinct. It is not always the thing to have sex, it is to show their love. Would you want to have sex with someone you don´t love? They like toughing the female body, feeling the heat and the smooth skin. They love our breasts( no matter what size) and they love our smell, our breath and our whole body. So remember this the next time!!
To bring to a close: Every men is different, you can´t put them in one box, they just have one thing in common: they love us women!

The Women, a open book or a only mystery. They are crestfallen romantic, love shopping, shoes and chocolate. They can talk and talk for hours on the phone about god and the world and alongside do hundreds of other things like cleaning the house, painting their nails, reading a gossip magazine and eat or watch TV.
Shopping-tours for hours and grumping about aching feet because of their high-heels.
Women are jealous. Just one look at a nother girl and you will get the devil look!!
And their indecision nucleas: "Darling, shall i rather wear the black dress or the red one? Does the green or the purple bag fit better?" A question a guy never could answer.
Women need their best friend, there are things they just can trust to their girlfriend.

But not all women are the same. It is a stereotype. Lots of women hate shopping for hours and don´t like high-heels. They don´t care if the bag goes with their dress or not and they rather eat a steak than chocolate. Some women hate romantic and some other women hate talking on the phone.
Some are more jealous than others and some aren´t jealous at all( but I think that rarity)
So the women are just as different as men are. That´s how it is supposed to be. Everyone is different and has different interests.
I think there is always a bit of a cliché. Just think about it;)

So even if you are jealous, love chocolate and like shoppinh for hours or you like beer, watching football and cars! You will find the right partner, for sure!

Courtship - When boys act like gentleman and girls are treated like real ladies

It already starts in kindergartenage: a little boy and a little girl sit in the sandpit. The boy is building a tower out of sand to impress the girl. He might give her his bucket and scoop...

Courtship traditionally means the "wooing" of a female by a male. Is it just the act of love by giving her a bucket or a "woooh" when she´s walking past shaking her sexy bum.
Now or hundreds of years ago men/boy used to court for a girl.
These days we have several opportunities for courting: internet, chatting, phone and cell-phone, online dating and lot of other things. More about that later.

But how did all these men court for their women in the las century or even when they didn´t have internet.
Here is a short trip back how the courting or wooing developed and changed:

In the Middle-Age in Europe royal families usually received a ship from a princess´fiancé upon her engagement and the ship would be displayed in the courtyard for one month prior the marriage ceremony.

Later the men wrote letters to their beloved. A nice exapmle is Shakespeare´s Romeo and Juliet: Romeo comes up to Juliet and is singing to her or brining a poem forward down at her balcony.

Other countries, other cultures: For example in Japan where a tpe of courtship, called Omiai, exsists: Parents hire a matchmaker to find the perfect partner for their child. The computer finds a potential match and if the couple agrees a formal meeting with the matchmaker and often the parents is arranged.

In other cultures it is much more different: like in Indian or Muslim cultures where the women get oppressed by their fathers and then after a arranged marriage their husband continues opressing her.

The actual Dating: After the courting a real date usually follows... They meet to get to know each other and to figure out weather the other one could be a potential partner. " Same interests, humour and behaviour " play a vital role.
These dates can taking place in a restaurant, a bar, a café, in a park for a walk..these are all the classical dating places.These days it is not unusually to date in the internet. Via facebook, twitter, MSN, icq, MySpace and several other online dating pages millions of people get to know each other by sending pictures, chatting or having a visual camera date via web-cam.

Back to the classic-western dating roles: It was a matter of course that the man payed the bill in the café or restaurant. In recent time, the practice to "go Dutch" ( splitt the expense) has emerged.
A little story...
From the beginning of the first date they get to know the other one pretty well (first impression!!). Afterwards they are going to decide weather they wanna see each other again or not.
Reasons for not meeting again could be: tied down, arising from loss of opportunity to date a variety of other people or they just din´d "fit" with the other on. (Different agendas, not the same humour or interests...)

But also there could be some reasons for a second date, because these two we just into each other. They could talk and talk for hours, laugh together and having fun.
So several other dates would follow and maybe on some day they would "go steady" and say: " We are a couple, we are boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Weather in the Middle-Ages, with a match-maker, the internet or just meeting and a cup of coffe toghether..
Courtship is a wonderfull thing and women love being treated like ladies sometimes!! So you guys...even if your girls wants to splitt the expense at the first date, the second date you could pay her coffe;)

Samstag, 12. März 2011

Jane Austen - loved by readers all over the world

Jane Auten is a well known and much-loved english author. She was born on the 16th of December in 1775 as the 7th child and the second daughter of a Hampshire clergyman called George Austen and her mother Cassandra.They all had a realy good and close relationship. Their childhood was charactaized with creativity and open learning.

Jane always loved reading and started writing stories and burlesque novels at an early age. Her dad promoted her writing by supplyinh her his books and writing equipment to explore her crative part.From 1787 to 1793 she wrote several short stories which dealed with the certain social conventions.

After her fathers death Jane and her mother and her sister moved to Southhamopton. In 1809 Jane and her friend Martha moved to Chawton where one of her brothers had a house. That is where Jane wrote nearly all of her novels. These days it is a small museum.

Jane Austen led a quiet life and never got married, her descriptions of contemporary society and of the relationships between women and men even today are widly acclaimend and loved by readers all over the world.

At the time Jane Austen used to live, society was hierachily structured:
-the nobility: status generally hereditary.(king, queen.."blue" blood)
-the gentry:well-born people of a high social class
-the people in trade (--> standard of living is based on the money they earn)

The gentlemen and farmers used to live in at the countryside. They had nice and big houses and a huge garden where they had horses. The farmers had cattle and vegetable gardens.

The poor ones like the working class, people who worked in the factories used to live in town where it was noisy and dirty. They had to leave their houses at the country side because of the Industrial Revolution.

Compared to our time a family had more children. Marriages where arranged what means that the girls where not allowed to choose their husband in future, they had to marry the person their parents choose for them. The marriage was the basis of money and to keep the property within the family.
The oldest son would inherit the money and property of the parents. So all the other sons had to find career in the army, navy or clergy. ( Choise was very strict! and a lot of work)

The girls would never inherit something from their parents even if they where the firstborn. The only solution for them was to find an appropiate and rich husband to secure social prestige and nobility.
If a lady marries a men she would take the wholw title:

Prince-Princess Duke-Duches

Women were supposed to behave like women: table manners and forms of address!!

Back to Jane Austen: She wrote many novels and stories:

here are some of her greatest works:
-Sense and Sensibility (1811)
-Pride and Prejudice

and several others...

Jane Austen is one of the greatest english writers in time, she got influenced by the society around her and we are happy to read her novels these days!!

Dienstag, 8. März 2011

Historical Development of the Women´s Rights Movement in the United States, Britain and Germany

When we have a look at the historical timeline we can see that mostly men did had the power and did something great! The founding fathers: were men! Who discovered America? A men! Who invented the phone? A men! It took a very long time before feminism started and women began to organize themselves.

United States
- Anti-Slavery Society influenced some white female campaigners and the womens right movement lead to the Seneca Falls Convention (1848).
-Foundation of the Working Woman´s Association in 1868.
-1869: American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA)[conservatives] and B`National Woman´s Suffrage Association (NWAS) [radical feminists] are founded. --> agree to desirability of the vote
-1890: AWSA and NWAS build one organization: the Nationla Woman Suffrage Association
-1870s and 1880s: signed with "social purity" feminism, based on Evangelical principles like alcohol, violence and sexual excess. They are seen as masculine evils.
-1920: Amendment XIX is passed; it grants suffrage to women.

-1964: Civil Right Act prohibits discrimination.
-1965: National Organization of Women (NOW) is founded by Betty Friedan
-1970:Equal Pay Act
-1972Equal Rights Amendment Bill outlaws sex discrimination.
-1973:Women get the right to choose an abortion.

-middle of the 19th century: Industrial revolution and wealth of the British Empire created an army of working women (mill-girls, domestic servants, farm labourers, milliners, seamstresses, governesses)
-1840: International Anti-Slavery Convention: major issue, weather female delegates from the U.S. should be allowed to take part.
-1856: women are allowed to keep their own property and income. Married Woman´s Property Bill.
-1870: Parliamentary majority for a women´s enfranchisment Bill
-1901:a campaing organized by female cotton workers takes petition to Westminster; they are peaceful, non-militant but radical
-1903:Women´s Social and Political Union (WSPU) is founded by Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), its members organize a militant, sometimes even violent suffrage campaign, culminating in arrests,hunger strikes and force-feeding
-1918:Representation of the People Act extends franchise to women over 30, who are hosueholders
-1928: Representation of people Act realizes democratic univeral suffrage.

The women´s civil right movement in the U.S. influences the dicussion in Britain:
-1970:Equal Pay Act (effective in 1975); --> equal pay for equal women.
-1975:Sex Discrimination Act (makes discrimination on the basis of sex unlawful in employment, education, provision of housing, goods, facilities and services and adverisment)
-1978: Finance Act (women who pay taxes on a pay as you earn basis are entitled tp their own tax rebates).

After tens of years of fighting for the right to vote and equality, a law is passed: AT the 12th November in 1918 women get suffrage in Germany. 82% of them use their right for voting in January 1919. 37 women become Assembly women in the parliament.
1908:victorian Great Britain was a role model for the german women.
-->destroyed windows and chained themselves to railings or wrote slogans onto royal golf meadows with acid. "votes for women!"
-around the 19th century women from the U.S. and Europe fighgt for suffrage and political equality.
-In Germany it already started around 1848 with the revolution. The claimed for better education for girls.

But isn´t there still a problem?? The famous "wage-gap" ???

Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2011

The Seneca Falls Convention-Issued declaration calling for equality with men before the law

The first steps to women´s rights began in the Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. Their concern was to "discuss the social, religious and civil conditions and rights of women".
But what were the conditions at this time? Did women have any rights? How did they live? What role did the man have?

First of all I say something about the situation of women in the 19th century. God says that men are the stronger ones and so women an inferior position.
That is why women actually didn´t have any rights. They were not allowed to go to school, they had to stay hat home with their mother and learn how to cook, sewn knitt or clean the house. Only boys were allowed to go to school and get educated well.
The girls were married quiet young at the age of 15 or 16. Mostly to men who were older and they didn´t want to marry them.

There were different tasks in a family. Men had to work and earn money and the women had to stay at home and look after the children, do the household and cook.
It was not unusually that women were oppressed by their husbands. Far from it! The declaration of independence says that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happyness. But the government took all these rights from the women and made them "civilly dead".

So the men treated women like they didn´t have any citizen rights:
Women were oppressed. They had either civil rights, social rights nor puplic rights. That means women were not allowed to vote, they were not allowed to drink in public or to wear a salasious dress if their husband didn´t want them to wear it. The men had all the power over their wifes life and liberty. Even when they wanted to get devirced the men could decide wheather the children should stay with him or their mother. After detaining all her rights as a married woman, if single and the owner of a property, the government taxed her, in case it was worth it.
so if you were a woman in 1800 you could just loose.
As already mentioned women were not allowed to go to school, they didn´t have an education what means there was no way for them to work and earn money not even deal wih a job like doctor, priest, judge or teacher.

From the convention in Seneca Falls, a revolution would take place concerning women's rights. Women were gradually allowed to speak in public, something that had been strictly forbidden before. Individual states adopted laws protecting the rights of married women, granting them the right to own property in their own name, keep their own earnings and retain guardianship of their children in case of divorce.At Seneca Falls the women´s movement presented the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, based on the American Declaration of Independence. Among the demands in the declaration was equality with men -- before the law, in education and employment.

Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011

"Seperate but equal" single-sex education in schools

Usually boys and girls are not seperate in school. They learn the same things, they learn it in the same way and time. But is that expedient? We are going to have analyse this problem and find arguments for and against single-sex education in school.

If we take a look in a daily ordenary classroom of 7-10 year olds we can see boys running around, screaming and laughing out loud. The first impression: Wild, loud, full of energie and temper.

The girls are mostly sitting in a corner in groups, whispering, giggling and observing the boys. Probably they talk about make-up or boys or clothes.
In class girls are also more quiet, they listen to the teacher and show that they want to learn something. Girls at this age are more ambitious than boys who are just swinging on their chairs and don´t care about anything.

So obviously boys and girls differ in their behaviour in class.
Why are they still educated together?

There are pro and contra arguments for single-sex educated schools:

-methods are specialised and adapted to the genders
--> learning for fun (harmonized on the gender)
-more concentration
--> no deflect between gender

-less social contacts
-->do not know how the other gender is
-->more problems in life to work with the other
-old methods are tried and trusted

There are good arguments for and against same-sex education in schools.
Here are so alternatives for seperate education:

-“single-sex classes“: boys and girls are separated only for the lessons
-“dual academy“: the school is for both, but they are sperated the whole day, except special occasions

In my oppinion girls and boys should not be seperated in school education.
They need the social contact with the other gender at this state of age and in future as well. Of course boys and girls sometimes annoy each other or deflect each other but isn´t that a thing we should be able to deal with every day?!

I affirm that girls who visit a school just for girls are cocky and uptight.
But if you want to send your child to a same-sex educated school is only your decision!