Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2011

The Seneca Falls Convention-Issued declaration calling for equality with men before the law

The first steps to women´s rights began in the Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. Their concern was to "discuss the social, religious and civil conditions and rights of women".
But what were the conditions at this time? Did women have any rights? How did they live? What role did the man have?

First of all I say something about the situation of women in the 19th century. God says that men are the stronger ones and so women an inferior position.
That is why women actually didn´t have any rights. They were not allowed to go to school, they had to stay hat home with their mother and learn how to cook, sewn knitt or clean the house. Only boys were allowed to go to school and get educated well.
The girls were married quiet young at the age of 15 or 16. Mostly to men who were older and they didn´t want to marry them.

There were different tasks in a family. Men had to work and earn money and the women had to stay at home and look after the children, do the household and cook.
It was not unusually that women were oppressed by their husbands. Far from it! The declaration of independence says that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happyness. But the government took all these rights from the women and made them "civilly dead".

So the men treated women like they didn´t have any citizen rights:
Women were oppressed. They had either civil rights, social rights nor puplic rights. That means women were not allowed to vote, they were not allowed to drink in public or to wear a salasious dress if their husband didn´t want them to wear it. The men had all the power over their wifes life and liberty. Even when they wanted to get devirced the men could decide wheather the children should stay with him or their mother. After detaining all her rights as a married woman, if single and the owner of a property, the government taxed her, in case it was worth it.
so if you were a woman in 1800 you could just loose.
As already mentioned women were not allowed to go to school, they didn´t have an education what means there was no way for them to work and earn money not even deal wih a job like doctor, priest, judge or teacher.

From the convention in Seneca Falls, a revolution would take place concerning women's rights. Women were gradually allowed to speak in public, something that had been strictly forbidden before. Individual states adopted laws protecting the rights of married women, granting them the right to own property in their own name, keep their own earnings and retain guardianship of their children in case of divorce.At Seneca Falls the women´s movement presented the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, based on the American Declaration of Independence. Among the demands in the declaration was equality with men -- before the law, in education and employment.

Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011

"Seperate but equal" single-sex education in schools

Usually boys and girls are not seperate in school. They learn the same things, they learn it in the same way and time. But is that expedient? We are going to have analyse this problem and find arguments for and against single-sex education in school.

If we take a look in a daily ordenary classroom of 7-10 year olds we can see boys running around, screaming and laughing out loud. The first impression: Wild, loud, full of energie and temper.

The girls are mostly sitting in a corner in groups, whispering, giggling and observing the boys. Probably they talk about make-up or boys or clothes.
In class girls are also more quiet, they listen to the teacher and show that they want to learn something. Girls at this age are more ambitious than boys who are just swinging on their chairs and don´t care about anything.

So obviously boys and girls differ in their behaviour in class.
Why are they still educated together?

There are pro and contra arguments for single-sex educated schools:

-methods are specialised and adapted to the genders
--> learning for fun (harmonized on the gender)
-more concentration
--> no deflect between gender

-less social contacts
-->do not know how the other gender is
-->more problems in life to work with the other
-old methods are tried and trusted

There are good arguments for and against same-sex education in schools.
Here are so alternatives for seperate education:

-“single-sex classes“: boys and girls are separated only for the lessons
-“dual academy“: the school is for both, but they are sperated the whole day, except special occasions

In my oppinion girls and boys should not be seperated in school education.
They need the social contact with the other gender at this state of age and in future as well. Of course boys and girls sometimes annoy each other or deflect each other but isn´t that a thing we should be able to deal with every day?!

I affirm that girls who visit a school just for girls are cocky and uptight.
But if you want to send your child to a same-sex educated school is only your decision!

Do men and women speak the same language? ( Janine´s presentation)

"Men never listen and Women talk to much" - a typical chliché or the ugly truth?
This never ending men and women speak the same language?
Well...there is this stereotype about women that they talk loud, alot and nearly about ANYTHING!!! Is that true?

Some other people thought about the same question: there are a couple of books like:

The first impression when you talk to a men or a women is that men mostly talk about information and women chatter about feelings.
Men talk without emotion, women primarily use exaggerations and repetitions.
While men try to profil their conversation, women use less vulgar expressions and more minimizations to hurt no one.

But after this awareness we still want to know if women and men speak the same language and whether there are any problems by talking to each other?

These differences between men and women can lead to "misaprehensions" but you can say, that most of this is just stereotyped. Some women don´t talk at all, are quiet and some men can chatter non-stop.

In my opinion it is true that usually women talk more than men. They can talk about anything. I also would say women like to exeggerate and maybe talk about stuff which is really unnecessary.
Probably men like it more to talk about music, football or girls than about their feelings, but I woun´t say it is true that they don´t talk about feelings at all.

Sometimes even men can listen:)