Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

"A gender for change"

It was a hard and longlasting time for women until they got what they wanted:
Same rights, equal pay, same opportunities and chances.

Even these days some women still have to fight for their rights and to be treated the same way as men are.
Still some men do not see women equal to them. Their attidues change quiet slow and that is probably because of the never ending hollywood movies where women are still seen as housewives who cook, clean and educate the children.

But the majority of men got also changed by feminist movement.
They accept women in the government, at their working place and also most important they see women as a equal partner in relationship.
Women used to say at home and the men went to work brought home the money and regulated the income by paying for everything. It seemed like women were just dominated by men. It is for sure still like that, but feminism changed it!
Now also women go working and some men stay at home, looking after the children.
Women are allowed to vote since 1919(Germany) and even our chancellor is a woman.
I alos think more and more women start dominating the men. In relationships for example. There are heaps of women who tell their partner what to do and who are the "leader" of the relationship.

That might also come up because of the feminism. The women took that what the men wanted: Power.
At least I think it is for shure important for us women that we got the same righs, opportunities and are treated equal, but still women usually need a stronh shoulder for protection and who can do it better than a men who loves them:)

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